HONORARY FELLOWSHIP FOR STEVIE G Jimmy Rice 21 July 2008 Steven Gerrard is to receive an Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in recognition of his services to sport. The Fellowship will be conferred on July 25 during a graduation ceremony at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. Professor Michael Brown, who is vice-chancellor at LJMU, said: "Steven epitomises the university philosophy of 'Dream, Plan, Achieve'. "As a young boy he excelled in the sport he loves and ensured his talent was recognised, looking upon challenges as opportunities and pursuing each available avenue. "As a result he has become one of the best sportsmen in the country, if not the world, with a reputation for integrity both on and off the pitch. "As a prominent sporting figure and a son of the city, it is fitting that LJMU, an international leader in sports and exercise science and a major contributor to Liverpool's success and growth, should award Steven with this Honorary Fellowship. "We are delighted to welcome him into the university family." Gerrard, whose achievements on the pitch have already earned him an MBE, added: "I am very proud to become a Fellow of Liverpool John Moores University. "Not only has LJMU done so much for this city and the people of Liverpool but it has given the science of football international credibility. It is an honour to be recognised with this award."
2 comentarii:
A well deserved award...
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